

The V-22 is being developed to perform United States Marine Corps (USMC), United States Navy(USN), and United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) combat missions. The V-22 design, incorporating advanced but mature technology proven in the XV-15 tiltrotor demonstrators, V-22 Full Scale Development (FSD) models, and V-22 Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) models, takes advantage of proven technology in composite materials, digital fly-by-wire flight controls, and advanced survivability and crashworthiness. A tiltrotor combines the speed, range and fuel efficiency normally associated with turboprop aircraft with the vertical take-off/landing and hover capabilities of helicopters. The tiltrotor aircraft represents a major technological breakthrough in aviation that meets long standing military needs.

The V-22 is a joint service, multi-mission aircraft with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability. It performs VTOL missions as effectively as a conventional helicopter while also having the long-range cruise abilities of a twin turboprop aircraft.

The Osprey is a tiltrotor aircraft with a 38-foot rotor system and engine/transmission nacelle mounted on each wing tip. It can operate as a helicopter when taking off and landing vertically. Once airborne, the nacelles rotate forward 90 degrees for horizontal flight, converting the V-22 to a high-speed, fuel-efficient turboprop airplane. The wing rotates for compact storage aboard ship. The first flight occurred in March 1989. The V-22 is the world's first production tiltrotor aircraft. Planned purchases include 360 for the Marine Corps, 48 for the Navy and 50 for the Air Force.

The Marine Corps is the lead service in the development of the Osprey. The Marine Corps version, the MV-22A, will be an assault transport for troops, equipment and supplies, and will be capable of operating from ships or from expeditionary airfields ashore. The Navy's HV-22A will provide combat search and rescue, delivery and retrieval of special warfare teams along with fleet logistic support transport. The Air Force CV-22A will conduct long-range special operations missions.

WEFT Description

    MV-22 Wings
    MV-22 Engine
    MV-22 Fuselage
  • TAIL
    MV-22 Tail


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MV-22 Photo
MV-22 Photo
MV-22 Photo
MV-22 Photo
MV-22 Photo
MV-22 Photo
MV-22 Photo
MV-22 Photo
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MV-22 Photo
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