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Atlantic Ocean (Sept. 22, 2004) -- The guided missile destroyer USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG 81) fires its MK-45 Mod 4, 5-inch/62-cal, lightweight gun mount during an exercise in the Virginia Capes Operating area in the Atlantic Ocean. Churchill is the only U.S. Navy vessel in active service named after a foreign dignitary. The MK-45 Mod 4 is the latest version of the MK-45 gun mount, designed to be used with the Mark 171 Extended Range Guided Munition (ERGM) for over-the-horizon range and improved lethality. The gun mount modifications include a new 62-caliber barrel, an Ammunition Recognition System, a Gun/ERGM interface and a new control system. Churchill is named in honor of Sir Winston Spencer Leonard Churchill (1874-1965), best known for his courageous leadership as the British Prime Minister during World War II. U.S. Navy photo by Lt.j.g. Caleb Swigart (RELEASED)

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Photo description

Photo Date
September 22, 2004
Lt.j.g. Caleb Swigart
Caption Writer
Lt. j.g. Chris Bishop, NVNS
Copyright Status
Public domain / free use
Service Branch
US Navy
Primary Equipment
DDG 81
Other Visible Equipment
MK-45 Mod 4 gun firing
Plane Number
Not available
Not available
Tail Code
Not available
Not available
Shell in flight