CG 64


U.S. Civil War Battle of Gettysburg

On July 1-3, 1863, General Robert E. Lee’s Confederates attacked General George Meade’s Union forces, who were entrenched near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The climax of the battle was Pickett’s Charge. Losses at Gettysburg were heavy on both sides, but it was the defeated Lee who was forced to retreat into Virginia. The Battle of Gettysburg ended in one of the bravest, and most disastrous, attacks in American history. Confederate general George E. Pickett (1825-75) advanced against the Union trenches with 15,000 men. They were mown down by artillery and rifle fire. About 10,000 Confederates were killed or wounded in the attack. Afterwards, it became known as Pickett’s Charge.

Historical Notes:

USS GETTYSBURG was one of six U.S. Navy ships ordered by President Clinton on October 15, 1993, to be deployed to enforce a trade embargo against Haiti as part of Operation "Support Democracy". The order came the day after the United Nations Security Council voted to reimpose stiff sanctions against Haiti, including an embargo on oil products, until order was restored and the Governors Island process clearly resumed. GETTYSBURG was one of five ships replaced less than two weeks later so as to permit it and the others to resume previously scheduled assignments.

In June 1994, USS GETTYSBURG participated in the twenty-second edition of Baltic Operations, "BALTOPS 94". USS GETTYSBURG, along with the guided missile frigate USS HALYBURTON (FFG 40), then made port calls to Capetown and Simonstown in South Africa from November 8-14, 1994, marking the first visit to South African ports in 27 years by a U.S. Navy warship; the last one having been the aircraft carrier USS FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT in February 1967.

On November 30, 1994, USS GETTYSBURG, along with the USS HALYBURTON (FFG 40), was diverted by COMUSNAVCENT on a rescue mission and to provide assistance to the Italian cruise ship ACHILLE LAURO, made famous by its hijcking in October 1985, which was on fire about 130 miles east off Somalia in the Indian Ocean. The decision to divert the ships was made after receiving word of the fire from the search and rescue center in Norway. The Navy ships were operating about 350 miles north of the ACHILLE LAURO's position. ACHILLE LAURO's burnt out hulk sunk a few days later on December 2.

As the Navy ships approached the scene, a helicopter operating from the deck of GETTYSBURG overflew the merchants, then returned to GETTYSBURG to retrieve medical supplies and food to support the evacuated passengers. GETTYSBURG's Commanding Officer, was designated the Navy's on-scene commander, and was tasked with assessing further rescue operations upon his ship's arrival. USS GETTYSBURG then deployed to the Arabian Gulf.

Along with the USS ENTERPRISE, USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720), USS SUPPLY, the USS GETTYSBURG transitted in mid-September 1996, to join the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command area of responsibility, as part of Operation Desert Strike.

The USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65) Battle Group, which included the USS GETTYSBURG, deployed for a scheduled six-month period on November 6, 1998 to the Arabian Gulf. During this deployment, GETTYSBURG took part in Operation Desert Fox, an operation designed to degrade Saddam Hussein's ability to deliver chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, and wage war against his neighbors. The operation was a 70-hour-long assault which took place from December 16-20. The GETTYSBURG performed as the Air Defense Commander for the ENTERPRISE Battle Group, conducted Tomahawk strikes against Iraq during Operation Desert Fox, and conducted Maritime Interdiction Operations in support of UN sanctions against Iraq.

USS GETTYSBURG operated in 1998 in the Adriatic as part of Operation Deliberate Forge adding military weight to ongoing diplomatic negotiations regarding Kosovo.

USS GETTYSBURG, sailed into the Adriatic Sea on January 20, 1999 as part of the USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65) Battle Group.

GETTYSBURG deployed with the USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65) Battle Group as it was conducting training in the Atlantic in September 2000. GETTYSBURG deployed in 2001 for a six-month period with the USS ENTERPRISE, to conduct multinational and joint operations with navies of various European countries, and visit ports in Mediterranean and Arabian Gulf nations. The ships and squadrons of the Battle Group were scheduled to return home in October 2001. USS GETTYSBURG returned to its home port prior to the initiation of the strikes against Afghanistan.

Ship's Crest:

The Shield: Dark blue and gold are the traditional Navy colors. The shield, divided dark blue and gray, refers to the colors of the Union and Confederate Armies and a country split by war. White expresses peace and optimism and red is a reminder of the immeasurable valor and blood shed at the epic battle of Gettysburg. The three pheons represent the number of days of this intense battle and allude to the Union and Confederate assault lines. The pheons pont up portraying USS GETTYSBURG's vertical launch capabilities. Their number also reflects three major Aegis cruiser missions, anit-air, anti-surface, and antisubmarine warfare. The arch represents Seminary Ridge, Culp's Hill and Little Roundtop, critical positions on the Gettysburg battlefield. The anchor symbolizes sea prowess and the ties with the ship's Maine birthplace; the two starts represents the two previous ships named "USS GETTYSBURG"

The Crest: At the dedication of the National Cemetery of the Gettysburg battle ground, President Lincoln delivered his immortal Gettysburg Address. The scroll with a drop of blood honors those famous words, especially ". . .that these dead shall not have died in vain." Our National bird, the bald eagle, appropriately represents President Lincoln and the Union he strove to preserve. The eagle also represents the Union's victory and Gettysburg, the turning point in the Civil War, which ultimately forged a stronger nation. The inverted wreath honors all who died, Union and Confederate alike. Muskets were in general use during the Civil war and highlight the hand to hand combat as both sides exploded in a tremendous clash of musketry.

Motto: "Deeds not words" reflects the willingness of those who fought at Gettysburg and those who serve in the ship to translate strength of conviction into decisive action.


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