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Historical Notes:

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Ship's Crest:

The Shield: Dark blue and white are emblematic of the U.S. Navy and the integrity and resolve of the three previous vessels which bore the name "CHAMPION." The pine tree reflects the continental service of the first Champion during the Revolutionary War and the resistance of the thirteen states against England. The pine appeared during that time as a symbol on early American flags. The bouget, or water-carrier, refers the water transport service of the second CHAMPION patrolling the Mississippi, Tennessee and Red Rivers between 1863 and 1865. The third Champion participated in World War II in the Pacific and is commemorated by the firebomb, referring to the kamikaze attack, which damaged her. The components of the chevron represent each of the previous CHAMPIONs and together symbolize the act of raising or retrieving floating weapons, or munitions, the mission of the new ship as mine countermeasures. Red, white, and blue also recall the markings of the British flag of the revolutionary war period and the flag of the emerging American Union.

The Crest: The upraised gauntlet grasping the dagger epitomized the ideals and capabilities of the USS CHAMPION. The wreath of laurel, a traditional emblem of achievement and honor, together with the gauntlet and dagger captures the spirit of the ship's designation and commemorates the previous ships' proud heritage and service. The stars indicate the battle honors of the three previous CHAMPIONs.

Motto: "We accept the Challenge."


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