
Legacy name

PATRIOT is the seventh in a class of fourteen MCM AVENGER Class ships built for the US Navy.

The first PATRIOT, a wooden schooner, was purchased by the Navy at Baltimore 13 August 1861 to be sunk to block the channel leading into the Carolina Sounds at Hatteras Inlet. However, a rough surf, the poor condition of the ship and Confederate Naval defenses forced postponement of this project until it was obviated by Flag Officer Stringham's victory at Cape Hatteras at the end of August. PATRIOT served as a storeship in Hampton Roads before disappearing from Naval and Maritime records.

The second PATRIOT was a costal patrol vessel. On March 1, 1941 she reported to duty in Boston with the 1st Naval District. There she conducted coastal patrol assignments until brought out of service September 29, 1944. She was laid up at Quincy, Massachusetts and finally sold back to her former owner for one dollar.

Historical Notes:

Built of white oak, Douglas fir, and Alaskan cedar from America’s forests PATRIOT was launched the 15th of May 1990 in Marinette, Wisconsin, and over a year later on December 13th, 1991, she was commissioned in Charleston, South Carolina. CDR Michael J. O’Moore, a native of Brooklyn New York was the commissioning Commanding Officer. PATRIOT was originally homeported in Charleston, SC until 1993, when, she transferred to Ingleside, TX.

In 1994 PATRIOT was called to serve in the Pacific, and since then has served as one of two forward deployed MCM’s in SEVENTH Fleet's Amphibious Ready Group. PATRIOT is operationally assigned to MCMDIV ELEVEN, CTF 76, COMSEVENTHFLT, CINCPACFLT, and USCINCPAC. Her administrative chain of command is COMCMDIV ELEVEN, COMCMRON ONE, COMINEWARCOM (Corpus Christi, TX), and COMNAVSURFLANT. Although PATRIOT was permanently assigned to Sasebo Japan her crew served on a rotational basis from Ingleside, Texas. Each rotation lasted approximately 6 months. In 1997 the crew assignments was changed to permanent overseas assignments.

PATRIOT routinely participates in combined Mine Warfare training exercises with the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force as part of an annual MINEX and EODEX. MINEX/EODEX is a joint mine countermeasures (MCM) exercise designed to foster US Navy and Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) interoperability through the use of the MCM Triad, surface MCM (SMCM) air MCM (AMCM) and Explosive Ordnance disposal (EOD) teams.

Patriot also participates in the annual exercise Clear Horizon conducted with the Republic of Korea navy. It is one of the largest, international, mine counter-measures exercises in the world.

Ship's Crest:

The Crest: The trident is a symbol of Naval Power and strength. The waves denote coastal waters and the Navy's theater of operation. The two arms represent the two previous ships called Patriot. The Naval Officer's sword and the NCO cutlass depict strong defense and cooperation. The exploding ordnance represents the ship's mine countermeasures mission.


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