CVN 74


Senator John C. Stennis

Former U.S. Senator John C. Stennis served with eight presidents, beginning with Harry Truman in 1947 and ending with Ronald Reagan in 1988.

The senior Senator from Mississippi, he was elected President Pro Tempore of the Senate for the 100th Congress. As Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee from 1969 to 1980, Senator Stennis consistently supported a strong U.S. military and gained the honorary title of "the father of America's modern Navy."

Born August 3, 1901, eight miles south of DeKalb, Mississippi, Senator Stennis was an 18-year-old farm boy when he entered Mississippi A & M (now Mississippi State University). He graduated in 1923.

Senator Stennis took his seat in the Mississippi House of Representatives in 1928, the same year he received a law degree from the University of Virginia. It was in Virginia that his namesake ship was built by Newport News Shipbuilding.

The following year he married Miss Coy Hines; they moved to DeKalb and had two children, Margaret and John.

In 1932, John C. Stennis was elected district prosecuting attorney and five years later he became a circuit judge.

John C. Stennis was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1947. Courage, integrity, dignity, honesty and an unwavering commitment to public service characterized his 41 years in the U.S. Senate.Senator Stennis retired from the Senate in 1988 and returned home to Mississippi. He passed away on April 23, 1995 and was buried near his place of birth in DeKalb, Mississippi.

Historical Notes:

Not yet available

Ship's Crest:

Description of Coat of Arms: The USS JOHN C. STENNIS (CVN 74) seal was produced from the combined efforts of several crewmembers with historical help from the Stennis Center for Public Service, the John C. Stennis Space Center and the United States Senate Historian. The Seal implies peace through strength, just as Senator Stennis was referred to as an "unwavering advocate of peace through strength" by President Ronald Reagan, when the ship's name was announced in June 1988. The circular shape signifies the NIMITZ class aircraft carrier's unique ability to circle the world without refueling while providing a forward presence from the sea. The predominant colors are red, white, blue and gold, the same as our country and our Navy. The outer border, taken from one version of a U.S. Senate crest, represents the strength through unity of the ship's crew. The four gold bands and eight ties denote John C. Stennis' four decades (41 years) in the Senate and the eight presidents with which he served from President Truman to President Reagan. The seven stars in the blue border represent his seven terms in the Senate and characterize USS JOHN C. STENNIS as the seventh NIMITZ class aircraft carrier. The red and white stripes inside the blue border represent our flag and the American people USS JOHN C. STENNIS serves. They also honor the courage and sacrifice of our country's Armed Forces. The eagle and shield is a representation of the gilt eagle and shield overlooking the Old Senate Chamber, which Senator Stennis' dedicated efforts helped to restore. The shield represents the United States of America, the country USS JOHN C. STENNIS and her Air Wing serves and protects. The twenty stars represent our twentieth state, Mississippi, the home of John C. Stennis. The three arrows in the eagles' talons symbolize the Ship and Air Wing's awesome ability to project power. They also represent Senator John C. Stennis over three decades on both the Senate Armed Service Committee (37 years) and Appropriations Committee (33 years), where he oversaw our country's military capabilities and earned the title "Father of America's Modern Navy." The burst of light emanating from the shield, representative of the emergence of a new nation in the United State Senate Seal, portrays the birth of over 25 major Aviation programs under Senator Stennis' leadership, including all aircraft carriers from USS FORRESTAL (CV-59) to USS HARRY S. TRUMAN (CVN 75), and aircraft from the F-4 Phantom to the F/A- 18 Hornet. The eagle is representative of John C. Stennis stature in the U. S. Senate where he was respected and admired as a "soaring eagle" by his colleagues. It also symbolizes independence and strength and depicts the constant readiness of USS JOHN C. STENNIS and her Air Wing to preserve, protect and defend freedom. The carrier, cutting her powerful swath through the sea, exemplifies Senator Stennis' philosophy of "Look Ahead." Embodied in the ship are the principles of honor, courage and commitment, principles that John Cornelius Stennis constantly upheld in his service to America, and values the ship's crew will uphold in their service. The carrier's path also evokes John C. Stennis' pledge to "plow a straight furrow down to the end of my row," just as the ship will steer a steady course to complete all missions in the preservation and defense of freedom.


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