CVN 76


President Ronald Wilson Reagan

Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, was born February 6th, 1911 in rural Tampico, Illinois. The Reagan family consisted of his father, John Edward ("Jack"), his mother, Nelle Wilson and Ronald's older brother Neil. The Reagan family lived in several small Illinois towns before settling in Dixon, the place Ronald Reagan considers his hometown.

He graduated from Dixon High School in 1928 and went on to attend Eureka College, a small liberal arts institution near Peoria, Illinois. He majored in economics and sociology, graduating in 1932 at the height of the Great Depression. His school years seemed to be a model for his future, as he participated in various sports, starred in school plays and served as student body president in both high school and college.

Although the unemployment rate in the country stood at 25%, Ronald Reagan managed to land a job as sportscaster at WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. WOC later consolidated with WHO in Des Moines, and "Dutch" (a childhood nickname because of his "Dutch boy" haircut) gained national media exposure recreating Chicago Cubs baseball games from the studio.

In 1937, Ronald Reagan enlisted in the Army Reserve as a Private, but was soon promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant in the Officers Reserve Corps of the Cavalry. That same year, one of his friends arranged for him to take a screen test at Warner Brother's studios. He was hired on the spot, and suddenly he was a Hollywood actor. He made more than 50 films, normally playing the hero, including the part of legendary Notre Dame halfback George Gipp in 1940's "Knute Rockne, All American." "Dutch" was later known by the nickname "the Gipper."

In 1938, while making the film "Brother Rat," Reagan fell in love with fellow Warner Bros. star Jane Wyman. The couple married in 1940 and Maureen Reagan was born January 4th, 1941. They later adopted a son, Michael in 1945. Their marriage, however, ended in divorce in 1948.

In 1942, Lieutenant Reagan was called to active duty by the Army Air Force. Capitalizing on his film experience, Lt. Reagan was assigned to 1st Motion Picture Unit in Culver City, California where he assisted in the production of over 400 training films. He was promoted to the rank of Captain in 1943 and discharged on December 9th, 1945, allowing him to resume his acting career.

Ronald Reagan became more involved in the political scene by supporting Harry Truman for president in 1948 and Helen Gahagan Douglas for the Senate in 1950. In 1949, Ronald Reagan met actress Nancy Davis. Sparks flew between the couple and on March 4th, 1952, they were married. That same year, Reagan campaigned as a Democrat for Eisenhower.

Reagan's second marriage proved more lasting than his first. Nancy devoted herself to supporting her husband's career and raising their two children, Ron and Patti.

In 1964, Reagan delivered a rousing speech, calling up romantic visions of an America of a bygone era ("We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth.."), on behalf of Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. Although Goldwater lost the election, Ronald Reagan, the handsome, articulate Hollywood actor was now in the political spotlight.

Backed by several wealthy businessmen in Southern California, Reagan won a landslide victory over Democratic incumbent Edmund Brown during the 1966 race for California Governor. He began his highly successful eight years as California's governor January 3, 1967.

Reagan made unsuccessful bids for president in 1968 and 1976, losing the GOP party nomination in both cases. Proving the adage that "third times a charm", he won the Republican party's nomination in 1980. He went on to win the Presidency in a landslide victory by appealing to the common sense of the American people ("...ask yourself, are you better off than you were 4 years ago?")

Reagan became one of the most popular presidents in history. His economic policies, known as "Reaganomics", resulted in a drop in the inflation rate from 13.5% in 1980 to under 5% by 1982 and throughout the rest of his term. His commitment to freedom and opposition to the spread of communism resulted in end of the Cold War in 1989. He maintained a firm and determined stance against terrorism, exemplified by American retaliation against Libya for the death of Americans in a Berlin discotheque in 1986. ("Today we have done what we had to do.") His quick wit endeared him to many, such as when his age was called into question during the presidential debates in 1984, and he remarked "I will not make my opponent's youth and inexperience an issue."

Although he worked hard at solving America's problems, he made no apologies for not putting in 16-hour days at the White House. Often criticized for running what appeared to be a "9-to-5" presidency, he was a devoted family man, spending as much time as he could with Nancy and his children.

A month before the election of his successor, Reagan reflected on his eight years in office. "I am the same man I was when I came to Washington," he remarked. "I believe the same things I believed when I came to Washington, and I think those beliefs have been vindicated by the success of the policies to which we hold fast." There is little doubt that the many changes effected by the Reagan presidency will play a major role in shaping America's future as we begin this new millennium.

Historical Notes:

Not yet available

Ship's Crest:

Description of Coat of Arms: The red border rings the ship's seal much like the distinctive red rim defines the White House china designed for, and used by, the President and First Lady during their White House years.

Four gold stars represent his 40th presidency and President Reagan's Four Pillars of Freedom - the timeless principles he championed: preserving individual liberty; promoting economic opportunity; advancing global democracy around the world; and instilling national pride. These four pillars guided the President throughout his years of public life and form the core of his lasting legacy.

"Peace Through Strength," was a recurring theme of the President's life in public service. America won The Cold War on this doctrine. The President spoke of its significance in his Radio Address to the Nation on September 24, 1988 when he said: "One thing is certain. if we're to continue to advance world peace and human freedom, America must remain strong. if we have learned anything these last eight years, it's that peace through strength works."

The aircraft carrier, cutting a powerful swath through the sea, is positioned by the west coast representing his two terms as Governor of California and the ship's homeport in the Pacific Fleet. The three aircraft with their patriotic contrails symbolize the three major military operations the President directed during his tenure: Operation Urgent Fury (Grenada/1983); Operation El Dorado Canyon (Libya/1986); and Operation Praying Mantis (Iran/1988). Aircraft carriers played a significant role in these operations.

The view of the globe signifies the President's vision of global democracy and at the center is the United States representing our national pride. "We meant to change a nation, and instead we changed a world."

Colors of red, white and blue dominate the seal reflecting the American flag and the President's love of our flag and our country. President Reagan's fondest hope was for all Americans to "love your country, not for her power or wealth, but for her selflessness and her idealism." The colors signify Americans' "birthright to dream great dreams in this sweet and blessed land, truly the greatest, freest, strongest nation on Earth"

The officers and crew of USS RONALD REAGAN strive to fulfill, promote and defend President Reagan's vision for America.


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