SSN 752


Legacy name / Pasadena, CA

USS PASADENA (SSN 752) is the third naval vessel and first submarine so named in the United States Navy. Her missions include anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare and strike warfare.

The first PASADENA, a cargo ship originally named the War Beacon, was commissioned on May 13, 1918. She plied the treacherous waters between the United States and Europe making several transatlantic crossings supplying critical material to the allies in the closing year of World War I.

The second PASADENA (CL-65) was launched December 28, 1943 by the Bethlehem Steel Company in Quincy, Massachusetts and was commissioned June 8, 1944. During World War II, she participated in several important naval campaigns in the Pacific theater. In her most significant engagement, PASADENA provided naval bombardment to cover the landings on the beaches of Iwo Jima. As flagship for CRUDIV 17, PASADENA participated in continuous strikes against Japanese positions on Okinawa and Kyushu. On September 2, 1945, she anchored in Tokyo Bay to witness the official surrender ceremony. PASADENA was awarded five battle stars for her service during World War II.

Historical Notes:

The current PASADENA is the second Improved 688 Class submarine and was built by General Dynamics Corporation, Electric Boat Division, Groton, Connecticut, and was commissioned February 11, 1989. Originally assigned to Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, PASADENA conducted an interfleet transfer in October 1990 to the Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, and was homeported in San Diego, California. In July 1991, PASADENA became the first Improved 688 Class submarine to deploy, commencing a six month Western Pacific deployment. In June 1993, PASADENA commenced a six month Western Pacific deployment to the Persian Gulf. While deployed, PASADENA participated in several exercises with the Royal Saudi, Omani and Australian Navies.

In March 1995, PASADENA again deployed on a six month Western Pacific Deployment. While deployed to the Arabian Gulf PASADENA became the first United States SSN to conduct exercises with the Indian Navy, the first nuclear powered submarine to visit the port of Muskat Oman, the first to operate continuously inside the Arabian Gulf, and the first SSN to be assigned to Commander, U.S. Fifth Fleet. From June 1996 to September 1996, PASADENA underwent a Selected Restricted Availability (SRA) where she was outfitted with improved offensive and defensive weapons systems. In May 1999 PASADENA completed her most recent six-month Western Pacific Deployment.

PASADENA provides the Fleet Commander or Task Force Commander a multi-mission platform. This vessel has unlimited endurance due to the nuclear propulsion plant, the most advanced sonar, torpedo, cruise missile and mine delivery systems, the best combination of speed and stealth due to quieting and the capacity to fulfill numerous missions because of the versatility of the ship with its highly trained and dedicated crew.

Ship's Crest:

Supporters: Not yet available

The Shield: Not yet available

The Crest: Not yet available

Motto: Not yet available


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