FFG 52


Gunner's Mate 3rd Class Paul Henry Carr

CARR is named in honor of Gunner's Mate 3rd Class Paul Henry Carr, USNR (1924-1944), the heroic gun captain of the after 5-inch mount of the destroyer escort USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS (DE 413) during the Battle of Samar, 15 October 1944, awarded a posthumous Silver Star for his conspicuous and gallant display of "outstanding technical skill" and "courageous initiative."

When SAMUEL B. ROBERTS engaged Japanese heavy cruisers attacking a force of escort carriers off Samar during the battle of Leyte Gulf, the fire of her after 5-inch guns inspired "every man on the ship." As the destroyer escort maneuvered radically, and used minimal fire control equipment, Carr's mount fired over 300 rounds of 5-inch ammunition, scoring, at close range, "a great many hits" on one of the enemy heavy cruisers, knocking out an 8-inch turret, demolishing her bridge and starting fires aft.

Ultimately, the damage received from Japanese shells knocked out all power, compressed air, and communications, crippling the ship. Knowing the hazards involved, Carr's close-knit crew loaded, rammed, and fired six charges by hand, without the safety device of a gas ejection system. In attempting to fire a seventh round, however, the powder charge "cooked-off" before the breech was closed, wrecking the gun and killing or wounding all but three men in the gun house.

After the order to abandon ship had been given, a Petty Officer entered the mount, to find Carr, literally torn open from neck to thigh, holding a 54-pound projectile, trying unassisted to load and ram the only shell available. Carr begged the man to help him get off the last round, but the latter, seeing that the gun had been destroyed and its breach rendered an unrecognizable mass of steel, took the projectile from the gunner's hands. After helping one of the other wounded men to the main deck, the Petty Officer returned to find Carr again attempting, although horribly wounded, to place the projectile on the loading tray of the inoperative gun. Carr perished a few minutes later after he was dragged from the mount.

Historical Notes:

The keel of this 4100 ton guided missile frigate was laid on 26 March 1982 at Todd Pacific Shipyards Corporation's Seattle Washington Division. CARR was launched on 26 February 1983. Mrs. Goldie Carr Bensilhe, Gunners Mate Third Class Paul Henry Carr's widow, christened the ship.

USS CARR was commissioned on 27 July 1985, and Commander Robert J. Horne, USN, became the first Commanding Officer. After commissioning, a transit to Charleston, and a Post-Shakedown Availability in Maine, CARR began work-ups for her maiden cruise.

Commander Wade C. Johnson, USN, assumed command on 12 September 1987 to become CARR's second Commanding Officer. CARR made her first six month deployment ten days later, escorting tanker convoys and providing sea area defense for the Northern Persian Gulf, returning to Charleston March 1988.

Commander Edward G. Bagley III, USN, assumed command on 06 October 1989 to become CARR's third Commanding Officer. On 30 October 1989 CARR departed Charleston to begin her second Persian Gulf cruise. During her deployment CARR escorted ships through the Persian Gulf and provided area defense. CARR returned from this deployment 30 April 1990.

Commander Caradean L. Brown assumed command of CARR on 10 September 1991, becoming the fourth Commanding Officer. The ship deployed as part of MEF 1-92 on 02 December 1991. CARR conducted four months of intensive Maritime Interdiction Force operations in the Red Sea and two months of Battle Group escort operations in the Mediterranean Sea. The ship returned from the cruise on 02 June 1992.

Commander Thomas D. Williams IV, USN, became CARR's fifth Commanding Officer on 20 May 1993. On 12 January 1994 CARR deployed to the Red Sea. After three months of Maritime Interception Operations, the ship operated in the Mediterranean for two months of Sixth Fleet battle group operations and exercises. Following CARR’s return to homeport and a brief standdown period, CARR participated in two Caribbean counter-narcotic operations, a fleet exercise, and a period of carrier work-ups with USS AMERICA.

Commander Richard A. Feckler, assumed command of CARR on 10 March 1995. For the next eight months CARR was in an Extended Selective Restricted Availability (ESRA) undergoing extensive combat system upgrades at Detyen's Shipyard, Charleston, SC. Major installations included the AN/SQR-19B Tactical Towed Array Sonar System and the Mk 92 Mod 6 Fire Control System. At the end of the availability, CARR satisfactorily completed a CINCLANTFLT Propulsion Examining Board Light Off Examination and on 03 November 1995 left Charleston, SC bound for her new homeport of Norfolk. In early December, CARR began work-ups to prepare for her November 1996 deployment with the Theodore Roosevelt Battle Group. On 08 January 1996 CARR commenced a Combat Systems Ship Qualification Test (CSSQT) to certify her newly installed Mk 92 Mod 6 Fire Control System. This testing ultimately led to two highly successful dual missile firing exercises in the North Puerto Rican Operations area. In early April 1996, CARR completed a CINCLANTFLT Propulsion Examining Board Operational Propulsion Plant Examination achieving a grade of above average. In early June 1996, CARR completed the basic phase of the interdeployment training cycle and stood ready to join the Theodore Roosevelt Battle Group.

In July 1996, Commander Keith L. Wray assumed command of the USS CARR.

Ship's Crest:

The Shield: The wavy, divided shield alludes to the Battle of Leyte Gulf where the newly commissioned destroyer escort SAMUEL B. ROBERTS (DE 413) and one of her gunner’s mates on his first duty cruise were both to end their short naval careers. The red reversed chevron suggests Paul Henry Carr’s rank as Petty Officer Third Class, and the bombshell refers to his rating and training as a gunner’s mate. The white star symbolizes the Silver Star posthumously awarded to Gunners Mate Carr for his valor as a gun captain while engaged against the enemy.

The Crest: The gold sea lion grasping an artillery projectile symbolizes the courage, will, and determination demonstrated by Gunners Mate Carr in continuing to fire his gun after his ship was disabled and after sustaining massive personal injuries to which he would shortly succumb.


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