FFG 61


Captain Duncan Nathaniel Ingraham

USS INGRAHAM (FFG 61) is the fourth ship to honor the name of Captain Duncan Nathaniel Ingraham (1802-1891). Captain Ingraham, while commanding the sloop St. Louis in the Mediterranean Squadron in July 1852, interfered with the Austrian consul's detention of Martin Kosztca, a Hungarian who had declared in New York his intention of becoming an American citizen. For his conduct in this matter he was voted thanks and a medal by Congress.

The first INGRAHAM (DD 111) was commissioned on 15 May 1919. After a shakedown cruise, the ship sailed for a European tour of duty. Converted to a minelayer in 1921, it operated in that capacity until being decommissioned in 1922.

The second INGRAHAM (DD 444) was commissioned on 17 July 1941, and served as a convoy escort between the United States and the United Kingdom. On 22 August 1942, in heavy fog, it collided with an oiler off Nova Scotia and sank almost immediately, leaving only 11 survivors.

The third INGRAHAM (DD 694) was commissioned on 16 January 1944, and had a long distinguished career, earning battle stars and awards for its efforts at Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and the Lingayen Gulf.

Historical Notes:

Not yet available

Ship's Crest:

The Shield: Dark blue and gold are the colors traditionally associated with the U. S. Navy. The chain broken by the sword represents Captain Duncan Ingraham forcing the release of Martin Koszto, a Hungarian confined by an Austrian warship who had earlier declared his intention of becoming an American citizen. The sword also emphasizes the Naval protection Captain Ingraham provided the Hungarian. The color red symbolizes the courage it took for Ingraham to stand his ground alone far from his country. The crescent, adapted from the Turkish national flag, refers to Smyrna, Turkey, where the American Captain held fast and took a stand in 1853. The color white is expressive of his purity of intent. The separations of the shield honor the three previous destroyers named "INGRAHAM"; the wavy divisions reflect the sea. The disc, with three of the colors of the Navy Unit Commendation Award, commemorates the award earned in World War II by the third USS INGRAHAM. The powerful anti-aircraft fire of this ship is underscored by the arrowhead pointing upwards.

The Crest: The eagle, our national symbol, portrays swiftness, strength, and constant vigilance. The trident characterizes Naval weaponry and sea prowess and symbolizes the combat readiness and modern weapon systems of FFG-61. The seven stars commemorate the third INGRAHAM's service -- four battle stars earned for World War II, one for the Korean War and two for the Vietnam conflict. The wreath of laurel is emblematic of excellence and accomplishment and also refers to the gold medal awarded to Captain Ingraham by Congress for his "gallant and judicious conduct" at Smyrna.


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