DDG 65


Hospitalman Third Class Edward C. Benfold

USS BENFOLD (DDG 65) was named after Hospitalman Third Class Edward C. Benfold, USN. Born in Staten Island, New York on January 15, 1931, Petty Officer Benfold graduated from Audubon High School in Audubon, New Jersey. Petty Officer Benfold entered the service at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1950. After completion of recruit training in Great Lakes, Illinois, he was selected for "A" school training as a Hospitalman. In July 1951 he was designated as a Medical Field Technician and was ordered to duty with the Fleet Marine Force, Ground, Pacific.

He was killed in action while serving with the First Marine Division in Korea. "For gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Hospital Corpsman, attached to a Company in the First Marine Division during operations against enemy aggressor forces in Korea on 5 September 1952..." he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. The citation continues:

"When his company was subjected to heavy artillery and mortar barrages, followed by a determined assault during the hours of darkness by an enemy force estimated at battalion strength, BENFOLD resolutely moved from position to position in the face of intense hostile fire, treating the wounded and lending words of encouragement. Leaving the protection of his sheltered position to treat the wounded when the platoon area in which he was working was attacked from both the front and the rear, he moved forward to an exposed ridge line where he observed two Marines in a large crater. As he approached the two men to determine their condition, an enemy soldier threw two grenades into the crater while two other enemies charged the position. Picking up a grenade in each hand, BENFOLD leaped out of the crater and hurled himself against the onrushing hostile soldiers, pushing the grenades against their chests and killing both the attackers.

Mortally wounded while carrying out this heroic act, BENFOLD, by his great personal valor and resolute spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of almost certain death, was directly responsible for saving the lives of his two comrades. His exceptional courage reflects the highest credit upon himself and enhances the finest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for others."

Ship's Crest:

Supporters: The halberds symbolize vigilance, resolve, and battle preparedness while suggesting USS BENFOLDs Vertical Launch System capabilities.

The Shield: The Aegis shield denotes the capability of DDG 65 to conduct operations in multi-threat environments. Dark blue and gold are the colors traditionally associated with the Navy. The lion embodies the courage and strength displayed by Hospitalman Benfold in combat. The escutcheon bears a red cross, alluding to Benfold's medical service and personal sacrifice in saving the lives of others. A background of red above blue in the manner of a Taeguk underscores his service in Korea. The black pellets symbolize the heavy artillery and mortar barrages during his heroic action.

The Crest: The reversed star, in medium blue and white, denotes the Medal of Honor, posthumously awarded to Hospitalman Benfold for his spirit of self-sacrifice and extraordinary heroism. The crossed Navy sword and Marine Mameluke signify cooperation and strength; the Mameluke signifies Benfolds service with the First Marine Division in Korea.

Motto: A scroll Sable edged and inscribed "ONWARD WITH VALOR" in gold.


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